Thank you for asking, Janapana! Lo is doing as well as she can, under the circumstances.
She is still not eating nearly enough. I'm approximating that she's getting only about 9 ounces during the day. If she takes a bottle, she's only taking a couple of ounces, and she only nurses for about 5 minutes tops.
Overall, she's fussy, fussy, fussy. I feel like I'm going through her 2-month phase all over again, where she would cry non-stop for 45 minutes. She used to cry then because she was learning independent sleep and couldn't do it on her own. Now, it's more either due to extreme hunger (not eating at daycare) or teeth or OT from lack of sleep, too. She's harder to put down for naps at the moment as well because she's crying more often, and I can't just put her down in her cot until she calms down and is ready to put herself to sleep.
BUT, looking at the positive side, even though she's only taking a couple ounces from her bottle, at least she is taking SOMETHING at the moment.
I'm working on bringing her back up to 4 or 5 ounces, which was what she used to do. I have to coax her into it, as forcing her just escalates her refusal to eat. I hope that it's just her teeth shifting, and nothing else medical, which may be why she's fussing. The pediatrician isn't worried at the moment. Her color looks good. I just need to monitor her weight. The white specks under her gums become more visible everyday, although no teeth has actually broken through yet. I'm reluctant to try tylenol or other medications when I'm not really sure...Although my ped says its okay and that it can't hurt.
I'm learning everyday that nothing is really ever consistent with a baby! Once you think you have it down, something else comes up! But DD is so worth it!