Author Topic: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?  (Read 1921 times)

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Offline JudyM

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Re: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2008, 08:25:44 am »
Hi Monopod,

Reading your posts there are loads of similarities between your lo and mine.  Mine's definitely napping better esp in the mornings, but nws are still ongoing.  Sunday night he woke at 4.30, Monday night he woke at 4, and last night he woke at 3, then again at 5.30.  It can take 40 mins plus to get him back to sleep and although I try not to feed him, sometimes he won't settle without it.  I'm never sure if he's waking from hunger or what - are you able to distinguish your lo's hunger cry?  I tried upping the dream feed (of ebm) to see if that would keep him asleep longer but it didn't.  I also used to get him to sleep from about 8-3.30 without the df so wondering too whether it's disturbing his sleep as he usually stirs after he's had it and it's touch and go whether he'll wake.
I think my lo should definitely be on 4 hour easy but just need to sort out the nws.  It's so frustrating isn't it?  Is your lo in your bedroom or on his own?  My DH (does this mean hubby?) thinks we should move ours into his own room as he does make a lot of noise in his sleep, and is disturbed by us too.
By the way, well done for getting up at 6.45 - I have to drag myself out of bed after 7 and really struggle!  ;D

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Re: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2008, 09:14:02 am »
Hi JudyM, it's good to find a kindred spirit!  ;D My LO, Ethan, doesn't bother waiting until the actual DF to stir though - he's awake before it even starts!

Ethan is still in our bedroom and can be a pretty light sleeper so we have been doing quite a bit of tippytoeing around. I've been telling my hubby (DH!) that I want to move to a house where the rooms are properly constructed, none of this paper-thin wall new-build nonsense, and where the bedrooms are far away from the kitchen! Oh, and I want a utility room so we can chuck all the noisy appliances in it too ;D I'd like to keep him in our room until he's at least 6 months as to be honest it's easier to get up to go to him in the middle of the night, and to transport him from and to his cot when he needs to be fed!

6.45am wakeup... *props eyelids open with toothpicks* haha! It's sometimes earlier, 6.30... 6.10... Ethan is a bit of an early riser but sometimes I can't do anything else other than ignore him when he wakes up (thank goodness he doesn't scream for attention straightaway as I'd probably drop him by falling over my own feet).

And it can be pretty difficult to interpret his hunger cues/cries, yes! Not sure whether that's just me being rubbish though :( I can usually tell when he's bored or frustrated, and when he's tired, but he doesn't seem to give clear hunger cues (maybe that's because I'm feeding him before he's actually really hungry, I dunno ??? ) - unless I miss the cues entirely and he's been hungry for a while, and then he really lets me know it! I often have to take my cues from the clock as to whether a particular cry or fuss is likely to be hunger...

Offline JudyM

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Re: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2008, 12:33:29 pm »
William has woken before his df too... sometimes we just plug the dummy back in and he goes off again, but other times we've given him the df then.  It's all just guesswork on our part!
I constantly feel that I should be able to interpret his cries/cues but so far have only figured out his tired cue - even then it seems like he's tired all the time so I'm probably just getting lucky!  Have done a separate post re DF and have been encouraged to try the catnap again so will give that a go I think.  Anything's worth a try  :D
Will let you know how I get on

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Re: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2008, 14:47:39 pm »
Take care JudyM. I hope things work out for you all very soon! :) Going to go check out your post too. :)

Offline monopod

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Re: Multiple NWs - does it sound like we need to transition?
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2008, 11:07:08 am »
Can anyone help? In hindsight I think my main post on the previous post is way too convoluted (aka longwinded!! sorry) and am going to post separate threads on all my different questions...