I keep forgetting to brush teeth at night! So does DH. So we brush approx 75% of the time....
The silly thing is that DS loves toothbrushing - he grabs hold of the toothbrush and -- with a triumph of enthusiasm over accuracy, lol -- manages pretty well really.
That's what we have here! He lloooooooves it! Gets mad if I try to fob him off without toothpaste, too! We are teaching him to rinse his mouth out and spit now but it's more of a mess than anything!
Mashi, I was taken aback to read that the reason for the advice to drop bottles by 1 is that lots of people would otherwise be tempted to leave bottles in cots overnight. Does anyone here do that?
Well this is what my HV said. So I thought to myself that there must be more to it than that, and at a GP appt a few days later asked my GP. Said the same thing. Had a hospital appt with the paed about DS's milk allergy a couple of weeks later and asked him and he said the very same thing, too. Sooooo....unless it's just the area of England where I was living, then it seems that people must actually do that.