I think it looks great and if its working for you I'd keep going with it. Here's some info I always use when adjusting routines:
http://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=85130.01-3 months 15-18 hours, until Three naps, 1.5 hours each + catnap;
More alert and aware 18 months of age 8 hours at night
of surroundings; able
to move head
4-6 months Two naps, 2-3 hours each OR;
Gaining mobility 3 naps; 2 2hr naps & 1 45min catnap
10-12 hours at night
So at 4 months its fine to do naps as you are doing. In fact I'd have loved long naps like that at that age!!
And one feed in the night at 4 months is actually ok. Alot of babies still need to NF at that age.
Once she's a bit older and your A time increases you should be able to fade out that catnap and move the naps forward a bit and have an earlier bedtime if thats what you are aiming for. I see she's doing a 10.5 hour night/13.5 hour day at the minute and you may want to move move toward 12/12 or 11/13 as she sleeps longer at night.