Claire, that is AWESOME!! Great job! I am so jealous of his 6:30 WU!
Sabs, glad you are doing pretty good with one nap!
We are still, pretty much, in the same position. I've played around with a long AM/short PM, but that didn't make a difference (well, I only did it for maybe 2 days in a row). Yesterday he had a 1.5 hour AM nap, which I woke him from b/c we had to leave. Then he did 30 minutes in the car from 2:30-3. He didn't go to bed till about 6:45 or so. Then he woke at 5:45 this morning. He did wake at 4:45, fussed for a minute or two and went back to sleep (thank goodness!). So, I guess we got (just about) an 11 hour night - which I shouldn't complain about! And naps yesterday were 2 hours total.
The only thing that I'm 'concerned' about is that now when he wakes in the morning he's automatically whiney and whines till I get him up. He use to quietly play, talk/babble, then fuss after about 30-45 minutes. Do you think he's waking crabby b/c he's OT? I just don't understand why he use to wake happy and now he wakes whiney.

Today, we have nothing planned except errands, so I'm going to aim for a 9:30-10 AM nap, then probably 12:30/1 PM nap. He might be slightly OT from yesterday (and Sunday as he didn't get good naps) but I'm going to wing it and see what happens. Worse case, he'll just do early BT.