No idea, the paed said we should try this milk for 2 weeks before coming back to see her. Before having this milk he was on comfort milk. He is now pooing more often and trumping a bit less, he is less smelly and poo a bit less green (that bit I think is the comfort). He does less trumping which is accompanied by a squeal.
He is drinkingless than he drank on comfort and it is thinner and the gavi doesn't thicken that well. I have had to add fennel tea to make him drink it whcih may be helping with the trumping and counter balancing the constipation from the gavi. We have a week until see the paed and am ready to give up. I know when I see her she wil tell me to try solids as she tried to tell me tht last time we went. He is 21 weeks or 17 adjusted and I don't think he is ready for it. He drinks about 24 oz in 24 hrs and 3 quarters of that is on bedtime, df and 3.30 am feeds, which I would love to stop but can't as he doesn't drink it in the day instead.