Author Topic: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...  (Read 4164 times)

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Offline Brock~Tahlia~Mummy

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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2011, 03:05:05 am »
Oh bummer! Xx Can you get to bed early yourself? I usually have an early BT while this is going on and wake when B wakes? I Also stop when B naps and nod off myself sometimes.

We had a good night last night... An EW at around 4 I think? Luckily it was a happpy EW B didnt need me. Then he fell asleep again and woke at 7. Well! He only just fell asleep a few minutes ago for his Nap. It took 45 mins of clowning around which ended in tears as when he was jumping around he hit his chin on the side of his Cot. So I'm guessing UT?! ::)
I think he's caught up on sleep for now? I'm convinced it's the whole 1/2 thing meaning 2 1/2 and his molars. He's always been about 2 months early on 1/2 milestone WW.
I just need to ride it out i think?
My dad is so old school but he said "You know sometimes you just can't figure out babies and toddlers... There were nights where you and your sister wouldn't sleep well and we just rode it out as best we could, we hugged you when you wanted us, gave you panadol when you needed it and slept with or near you when you were unwell. When you were ok you slept fine anyway". He thinks I'm mad when I try to figure out **why** B wont sleep or is struggling with sleep. He's right... But he's attitude is so relaxed? I get so wound up and worried about it? I guess There's no point worrying too much about being a prop when your LO's need you for some unknown or known reason! We can always sleep train when we know they're ok. I think also because the foundation of self settling has been tought it wouldn't take as much ad it would a toddler that has always had a prop YKWIM?

Sighhhhhh.... Who knows?! ???
Like Tracy said at the end of her BWSAYP book, when all else fails blame the alignment of the planets!


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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2011, 06:25:04 am »
Morning Hon,

So glad B is doing better  :). I wish wish wish I could be more like you Dad (who sounds lovely BTW  ;)) he is right in what he says and so are you. You just have to be there and when whatever it is is over then get back on track. I had a text from a friend last night to say her DS had 'the rash' and NHS direct suspect 'Foot and Mouth'  :o but it's not blisters and looks nothing like pictures F & M so I have my doubts. Whatever it is it's catching. We had a 12.10 WU meds and resettle then a 4.50 EW no resettle for love nor money..up at 5.30 siiigh. We're gonna get stuck in the EW/EN/EBT cycle unless I try a 2 nap day which tends to backfire on us. However I'm not sure any backfiring could make things worse right now  ::).


Offline Brock~Tahlia~Mummy

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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2011, 02:07:28 am »
How are things? I hope S is ok?

We're doing well ATM. Just staying consistent with ENT and EBT. I've managed to ride the screaming out by mixing GW, WIWO and ignoring the negative behaviour. I can pretty much tell when B is really feeling the teething or just taking advantage of the newly learnt screaming skills! ::)
He's good going down no more screaming for now and is STTN with occasional NW slight EW. He'll still try it by throwing duck out of the cot or asking for water but I’m ignoring it and walking out of the room and returning a few minutes later to pick duck up and kiss b on the head and walk out again. I think he's getting the idea that mummy isn't going to do much more.
He's been very grumpy and pushing the boundaries in every way... I'm so tired!!!!!
The whole 1/2s, teething and milestones are crazy times. When will it get easier I wonder? I'm told at the age of 4!!!!  :o :o :o

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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2011, 06:39:21 am »
Hi Hon,

Well done you!!!! Mammy rules! Even if she is knackered LOL  ;). When Sam throws blankies (often) I keep them for 1 added minute at at time, we've never got past 4 minutes before he's keeping them close LOL.

My Baba is poorly..the GP confirmed 'Hand Foot and Mouth' and he has lots of  blisters in his mouth which are causing the most of the distress, the other bad ones are the ones on his palms which he winces at when he falls down...awful  :'( However our little man is such a little soldier, he's tough as old boots! I like that think I have played a part in that by being extremely calm on the surface whenever he has hurt himself and not overeacting (whilst crying inside  :'()..however he may just be made that way  ??? I'd like to take credit for something right now  ::). He is still NW mostly and we're up for the day around 5...soooo tired. Last night I did EBT and he was asleep by 5.50 then a 10 min night waking and up for the day the day at 5.20 so that was his longest night sleep in 2 weeks..around 11 hrs 20. I am sitting in the chair in the nursery with him at the moment, I just think he needs me right now and it's not the best time to leave him. However, I'm sure I have a challenge on my hands once he's better and I have to leave him to SS again.


Offline Brock~Tahlia~Mummy

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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2011, 22:51:21 pm »
Oh no! How awful! I'm sorry to hear that Hun... Big hugs for S xxx
I agree when they are unwell I don't care I'm there 24/7 and worry about sleep training later. I hope you can get some rest in. Hugs Hun xxxx

Offline Truly Blessed

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Re: Screaming at BT!I really need advice...
« Reply #35 on: November 24, 2011, 12:20:25 pm »
Thanks Hon,

On top of it all he threw himself out of the cot this morning and landed on his face. We have BBB all set up but now is so not the time. I think instead of doing Gw when he's better with him still in the cot, I may as well combine the transfer to BBB and face it all together, otherwise I'm going to have to upset things again soon after....siiigh  :'(
