Author Topic: Desperate help needed!!  (Read 671 times)

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Offline ka87

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Desperate help needed!!
« on: February 02, 2012, 10:07:35 am »
I cannot stick to ANY kind of routine because my little boy will only take 30 minute naps. Its driving me crazy. I shush pat him in his crib after he wakes but he is not going back to sleep and just screams and screams because he is wide awake (but tired an hour later) Ive tried going in before he wakes and disturbing him, this has only worked once in 6 weeks.

Our typical day now looks like this, I cant put it in EASY format because it doesnt exist!!

Wake at 6.30/7,
E - Bottle.
- Activity
- Sleep 8.15 ish after showing tired cues.

All well, then..

8.45 - wakes, not hungry.
plays for a bit.
then at 10, is hungry, and tired so has a little bit of bottle then screams because he's tired.

Then it just follows this for the day, he wont sleep for more than 30 mins exactly. Im losing my MIND.

Offline Tecike

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Re: Desperate help needed!!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 10:58:03 am »
Not much of an expert yet, but to know what's going on, some background info would help...

How old is your LO? How does he go to sleep? Independently? Does he have a soother / is he swaddled? How are your nights? Does he have medical issues like refux, colic or something?

When my DS2 has 30 min naps, I know he's OT...though he usually wakes happy even from a 30 min nap. If your nights are not good, he is possibly so OT that he can't take a proper rest... And also there's a time when short naps are developmental and you just have to go with the flow...

Hope we can figure something out when we have more info!
Hang in there! :)

Offline becj86

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Re: Desperate help needed!!
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2012, 00:35:28 am »
Sounds like my darling boy who was like this til I realised he was overstimulated. Once I turned off the TV which I had on as background and reduced the toys he had around him, etc. he was much better.