I cannot stick to ANY kind of routine because my little boy will only take 30 minute naps. Its driving me crazy. I shush pat him in his crib after he wakes but he is not going back to sleep and just screams and screams because he is wide awake (but tired an hour later) Ive tried going in before he wakes and disturbing him, this has only worked once in 6 weeks.
Our typical day now looks like this, I cant put it in EASY format because it doesnt exist!!
Wake at 6.30/7,
E - Bottle.
- Activity
- Sleep 8.15 ish after showing tired cues.
All well, then..
8.45 - wakes, not hungry.
plays for a bit.
then at 10, is hungry, and tired so has a little bit of bottle then screams because he's tired.
Then it just follows this for the day, he wont sleep for more than 30 mins exactly. Im losing my MIND.