Hi All,
I have a very well behaved 8 week-old, who is very smiley and chatty, portable and easy going so long as he's cuddled/ close to people, but who unfortunately, HATES going to sleep on his own. He's a really good sleeper and will often sleep from 8pm to 2am solid, and then can sleep in as late as 9.30am (but while sleep-snacking throughout), so once he's off he's great, but will notice if I try and escape from bed and wake up screaming, which means I have to go to bed at the same time as he does which means I don't get to eat dinner / have an evening.
Since birth he has slept with us in our bed, and been boobed to sleep (naughty me). He eats LOTS through the night (he's 14lb 1oz already!), but that's an issue that I wish to deal with later on. What I'm really after some help / advice on, is how to get him to get to sleep on his own, I'm not fussed at all about him being in with us through the night. I'd like to get him to eat once through the night at some point but like I said, that comes later.
We have a cot attached to the bed, and he happily plays in there under his mobile, but will not be left to sleep in there. He can send himself off in the buggy or in his swingy chair, but tends to start crying the minute he realises he's been left. He often does the thing where he looks like he thinks he's falling. He can suckle his thumb sometimes but can't always seem to find it. He HATES his car seat too and often wakes up in that crying and wont stop till he's cuddled, which seams bizarre as so many babies just nod right off in them.
We've tried bottles of breast milk as so as my partner can feed him his night feed, but he's a fussy thing and likes boobie too much, he does take it sometimes but is very fussy about it and will protest until he's red in the face, so that doesn't help things.
I'd love to try and get to the stage where he can be put down at 8pm and stay asleep till we want to go to bed at least, as so as I can have some "me" time in the evening ... although I will miss my snuggels
... It's just so hard to hear him cry, when all he wants is a cuddle (and it's my fault for teaching him that), and it just feels so natural! ...
ANY ideas / advice are VERY much appreciated!!!