DS is now two months old and was ebf for 6 weeks and now we eff...he has reflux and we just upped his dosage Monday to 1ml twice a day. He took really well to the bottle and was downing 4-5oz every three hours. The past two weeks he has only been taking 2-3 oz during the day, and at his dream feed and two night feelings he takes 4-5 oz. I'm scared he's going to start thinking night time is mealtime! I also was thinking maybe there are too many distractions for him during the day when he's eating, but hes typically got his eyes locked on me during feedings and there aren't that many distractions! I'm not sure what to do to resolve this and to get him back to eating more during the day. Any thoughts? Should I space his feedings out a little more? Not worry about it? He's gaining weight and a happy boy, usually napping well.