Thanks for the replies, they really helped me calm down and look at it differently. I discovered what the problem is and it's something I'd never heard of before. I prove too much milk for my little one. He's getting too much foreign and not enough hind milk. This is causing a lactose problem in his tummy and make him uncomfortable, gassy, hungry more often and uncomfortable sleeping on his back. We put him in a baby swing two nights ago and he slept well, three hour stretches that were quiet and no fussing.
When I read about this fore milk, hind milk issue, I followed the guidelines. I feed him mainly on one breast before bed and at midnight. Perfect sleeping! At the 3am feed, I had to switch to the other breast and I could tell from the way he was drinking and how painful/forceful my letdown was, that he wasn't going to get much hind milk. Sure enough, all the problems came right back. Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to fix it. Many articles suggested expressing a little before he feeds but who can make their baby wait when he's hungry? I'm going to try to put him on a 3hr schedule, that he seems to be on anyway, and wake a little earlier and pump a little. (I hate to waste any breastmilk)
I will start this tonight and let you know how it's working. Also,I wasn't able to search these forums for a Baby Whisperer link, all my n for came from other websites but if you'd like me to post the links, I'd be happy to do so.