For the past 2 nights, he has stopped the CONSTANT NWs but he now only sleeps 9.5-10hrs a night. I am not sure this is enough, but I am loving the fact that he only wakes up 2-3 times now (we will work on that next). Here is how our days have been going lately:
WU 7:30
E 9:32
A (02:23)
S 9:53 (1h19m)
E 13:30
A (02:48)
S 14:00 (1h05m)
E 15:53
Dinner (BLW)
E 17:45
E 19:00 (looooong session)
A (04:20)
S 19:25 (30m)
A (02:05)
BT 22:00 (it used to be 7:30-8:00, but thats when he kept waking up every hour or so to feed throughout the night, 'til 2days ago when he started this new thing)
NW 2:50 feed
NW 5:30 feed
NW 6:40 feed
WU 7:30
Does that seem ok to you for a 7mo (sleeps for 12hrs/day)?