DD is now almost 9 months old. She is currently BF'ed at wake up and BT and takes 2 bottles of aprox 4 oz during the day, with tons of solids. She has one NF during the early part of the night (typically between 10-11) that I am switching to a bottle so DH can feed her.
I'm trying to figure out how much to put in that bottle since I don't want to give her too much, since in reality we'd like to drop it soon, but don't think she's ready for that yet.
We tried 2 oz, but she woke again 3 hours later (teething or hunger?) and had another 2 oz. I'm concerned that she wants to take a lot during this NF since she's very relaxed and enjoys sucking (She uses her thumb and not a pacifier to sleep).
Would 4 oz be too much for a NF at 9 months, and should I try to give her some in a bottle before bed also? Any advice?