What a great start
And what a long nap she had in the morning! Wow! For future reference if she has such a long morning nap and if she continues to take a few mins longer to settle for the next nap and wakes at 45 mins she might need a slightly longer A there.
WRT the nights. If she usually feeds every 3hrs (she might be on 3hr+ now she is approaching 4 months but I can't tell from your EASY as obviously you waited until the nap was over before feeding which might have made it later than usual) then use that as a guide as to night hunger. She should still be able to do one long stretch at night too. So, if her first NW is less than her regular feed time I would shush/pat, if it's been 3hrs+ then I would feed. Perhaps you will tell over the coming nights if she is really hungry or needs reassurance to resettle. If you do resettle and she keeps waking every 10 mins or so then I'd say hunger.