so these guys have started doing a long stretch from their 6-7ish feed. they arent waking at 10-11 anymore, pushing out to 11.30-12 or even 1. i'm tempted to try the df but not sure. so we talked about it with my mum yesterday and i thought we'd agreed to wait and see a bit and went to bed early. obviously there was a miscommunication b/c they then did a df around 11.30 for them but ended up having to change nappies b/c they were soiled, then they also woke up around 1.45/2.30 and then both went till 6.
so, its surprising that they woke so soon after the df, on the other hand tracy advises the df to be between 10-11 and they did it later, not to mention nappy change, so not exactly a df.
Why does the df have to be between 10-11? do you think it's worth trying at this stage? i'm unsure what to do...