Baby is 10.5 months. Here's where we were before we went on holiday, roughly.
0430-0600 Wake up. BF on waking. Put back in cot if before 0530. She rarely goes back to sleep though. Out of bed for day no earlier than 0530
0700 breakfast
0900 - 1045 first nap (I don't wake her from this)
1130 lunch
1415 - 1530 second nap (I always wake at 1530)
1730 evening meal
1820 BF
1830 bed time
She also generally BFs before naps although she self settles rather than feeding to sleep.
EWs definitely need some work! She rarely seems OT so I think it's time to start transition.
Any tips? She cries on waking for the day and wants BFed. It's really difficult to push this back. If I extend her morning A time will that am feed naturally begin to move later? I figure the pm nap will get shorter as the am nap gets later.