My son is 16 months old. He has always been a good sleeper, and we've been gradually increasing sleep independence so that now he goes down for naps and the night by himself - we try to do some things like reading or quiet toys in the hour before bed, we put on his pajamas, he says good-night, then we take him into his room, he shuts off his light and closes his door, we put him down in his crib, he snuggles in and we leave. It's great!
On Sunday night, though, he absolutely refused to be put in his crib. My husband usually does bed time, and Henry was perfectly happy when he was holding him, but as soon as he went in the crib, he started wailing. He's done this the last four nights. The first night we babied him since it was so out of character and we assumed something was wrong, so he finally went to sleep with Daddy holding him on the couch. The second night DH rocked him to sleep. The third night, he rocked him for a little while until he was drowsy then put him down and left. He cried for about 10 minutes and was asleep. Last night, the fourth night, we tried leaving him, but after 15 minutes he wasn't calming down, so we both went in, we held him for a minute until we stopped crying, then we put him in his crib and sang him a few songs until he was calm, then we left. He wailed again but was asleep within 10-15 minutes.
This is a problem on several levels - we don't want to get into bad bed time habits, especially since I'm seven months pregnant. It's obviously hard on Henry, and I don't like to see him so sad at bed time. Also, it's depriving him of sleep. Some mornings I've been able to let him sleep in to make up for it, but some mornings we had to leave.
Any thoughts on what could be causing this sudden change? I don't think he's sick, as he's perfectly happy during the day, and I've checked that he has no fever at night. I've looked in his mouth and don't see any tooth bumps, so I don't think he's teething, either. There haven't been any changes in our day time routine recently.
How should I handle this going forward? Is it appropriate to leave a toddler to cry if he won't go to sleep any other way? Should we assume he needs us for some reason and keep holding him until he goes to sleep? Try sitting in the room while he cries himself to sleep? It takes him much, much longer to go to sleep if we're in the room with him.