Hi cath,
Thanks for your reply, sorry for the delay between work and a super clingy LO I've not had a chance. I'll try to answer all your questions as best I can so you could hopefully give us some help
I think there are probably a lot of things going on all at the same time just now which aren't going to be helping, I'm sure her back molars are coming through as the hand is constantly in the mouth. She has also taken a huge developmental leap in the last few weeks, the 2 weeks we were on holiday she learned more than 10 new words and I just see her changing into such a little toddler all of a sudden.
When she wakes during the night she's been getting calpol and teething gels but by the time they work I think she's already hyper and upset so it's already much harder to bring her back down to sleeping level.
She has been very very clingy the last couple of weeks as well, follows when you leave a room, constantly asking where daddy is (or me if I'm out the room or away) so I was thinking separation anxiety. Her attention span has dropped and she isn't eating as much either. I used to be able to leave her playing and she would happily entertain herself for at least 25-30 minutes, even moving onto another toy or activity. This morning she won't be left alone to play at all and is only playing for 10 minutes at a time.
Her normal routine until about a week before our holiday was:
WU 6.30
Nap 12.30-2.30/3
Bed 7.30/8.
I would say she was an independent sleeper. For example, I would put her down and leave her with teddy, she would stand up and shout or moan but was never distressed. I go in and lie her down and she would normall fall asleep after doing this a couple of times within about 15 minutes. Would that have been classed as independent?
Can you talk me through GW to make sure I'm doing it right.
When you say you had to wait until your dd1 was past the separation anxiety did you just offer comfort until then? Are there any ways to get her past the fear of separation?
Thank you so much, anything would be a help just now, even if it's just to know it's not just us and it will pass