Hi and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
I've searched the boards, but everyone else's problems that are similar seem to be pointing them to shifting to one nap.
My boy went from 3-2 really early (5 months or so) and from 2-1 early, as well (11 months). We had a few shaky weeks when we transitioned, but that was to be expected. Then, things were very settled for a few months.
Now for the last week or so, he's been having trouble settling at night - moaning crying, etc, but nothing we need to go in for. We sometimes need to go in at one other point in the night (between 9am and 4am, say), but only for a pat and maybe a sip of water. BUT, then he cries (again, not urgent crying) for around 2 minutes at 5am, 5.30am, 6am and then is usually up burbling for the day at 6.30am. Sometimes it's 5.30 though, as he won't always resettle.
He has a great nap - ranging from 1hr45 to 2hrs30.
Should I be curtailing that nap? Is the long nap (sometimes finishing between 2-2.30pm) causing the night time troubles?
Here's our routine:
6.30/7am wake
7.30 breakfast
10.30/11 - mini lunch #1
11/12 (depending on tiredness) sleep (for 1hr45-2hrs30)
2/2.30 - mini lunch #2
5.30/6 - dinner, followed by bottle
6.30 bath and stories
7pm bed - (but it can take him up to an hour to settle at the moment)
Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening here? I feel like we're due for some teeth, but they've been threatening for months with nothing actually happening, so there's no great change there...
Thanks again!