I was wondering if I can get some helpful advice and tips.
My baby is now 12 weeks old. The past couple of weeks we've slowly been doing some small transitions. He sleeps in his crip for all naps now, and he is also falling asleep in the crib without being on me anymore but with head caressing/paci/white noise. (He used to fall asleep in my arms cradled for the full 20 minutes before putting down) I've also been slightly successful in resettling back to sleep by inserting paci and again, rubbing his head or light pat on his shoulder.
I have a few questions however!
He never goes beyond a 45 minute nap. No matter his A time. He used to give me ONE longer nap (midday) and now he does not. We are ending up doing 5-6 naps a day at this rate. Because of my other toddler, more times than not, I rarely would resettle and continue with our day after the short naps. Could this be the reason and I've accidently accustomed him to just be up after 45 mins? Or could it be that he needs my help/paci to continue into the next cycle?
His paci I felt has never been a prop but after reading the link on here "taking away the pacifier to help sleep through the night" I think his might be. He can sleep all night without it. (5-7 hr stretches) and he's also had those occasional long naps too without needing it so it "shows" me he can do it. He has always been one to spit it out or we remove it around the 15/20 min mark and he's ok.
I'm interested in removing the paci all together soon. I'm pretty certain it's a prop as he stays asleep all the way, with the paci in his mouth now, actually! The way I see it (and have been seeing it) is that, he's always short napped after the age of 1.5 months
...so what difference would it make. I was thinking remove it now rather than later when he does get longer naps.
Our typical EASY goes as follows (loose EASY as this is not set in stone. His WU time always varies)
E 7:00
S 8:30ish - 9:15ish (rarely can I resettle and due to school runs/breakfast/getting toddler ready, he has to stay up :-/... Resettling takes a long time, which I can't afford in the morning time)
E 10:00-10:30 ish
S 12ish- 12:45/1 (this USED to be a super long nap from OT) usually try and sleep again since toddler is in school and I have time
S 1:00ish 1:45
E 1:45
A (PU brother)
S 3:00-3:45
A (can't resettle- lunch/snack for toddler)
E 4:15 ish
S 4:30-5:15
S 6:00-6:40
E 7:00
S BT varies between 8-8:30
any help on our easy or naps would be great. Normally I don't care for the short naps and never have, as I know with a toddler around and all our activities, I can't focus 100% on his sleep. So I was going with the flow.. But napping so many times a day and now losing our EAS routine is I think affecting him as he doesn't know what's next anymore. Nights are still fairly well. 1 feed on a good night sometimes 2 xoxoxo! Thank you