Hi there,
DS is 19mo and past 18moSR. He is now going back to his old skills sof self settling.
I noticed he needs me less and less to fall asleep, but...
He likes when I sit by his crib until he falls asleep. I am trying to engage less and less, but he would poke me and talk to me, but it can take up to an hour and I dont know what to do about it.
So I started to leave the room, and he fell asleep by himself wonderfully past 2days.
The thing is, I am confused when I need to come in and when is the time to wait. I don't want to come in whenever.
1. Cry- I come in obviously, we never CIO
2. Talks "mama, mama", but I feel like it is his mantra and he is really talking to himself among other words, so I ignore it
3. Yelling - here I don't know, I sometimes come in and leave if he didnt need me, but is frustrated. He then self settles after a minute or two. Like when he is OT he rolls over and slaps my hand if i want to touch him
4. Calls "mama" but softly, like if he was checking if I will come in-Do I ignore it?
5. Calls "mama" loudly, I know he needs me so I come in.
I am really confused, I have to tell you.
I want him to know I will CI when he needs me, but I want to be able to leave as well.