My LO settles herself for naps, and when she goes to bed at night, but during the night it's a different story. She has always woke twice for a bottle and generally goes straight back to sleep after the first, which is around 11pm but then she'll wake up around 2 or 3am, not want her bottle, or take a small amount, and then refuse to go back to sleep. At worst she'll be awake for 2 hours and at best 1 hour but it's been every night for 2 weeks and we're starting to loose the plot!
She isn't screaming crying, just shouting out, chatting, banging her legs and arms etc.... We've just been leaving her and then when we can't take any more, offering her milk again, which she sometimes takes, or holding her until she falls asleep. Some nights she wakes earlier, some nights later, but she ALWAYS wakes. We've put more layers on her in case she was cold but that's made no difference.
She naps well during the day and I have noticed her not wanting her afternoon nap, but whether she has it or not, doesn't seem to have any bearing on her night wakings. In fact nothing does!!
Any advice would really be appreciated!