I'm new to this forum so I apologise if there's a thread about this already. If anyone could then redirect me I'd be grateful!
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Thank youuuu in advance to whoever will take the time to read this horribly long post to help this very sleep deprived mum (and dad).
So, somewhere along the way I had gotten out of the routine and never managed to get back into it fully. It ended up in a baby led day with phases of consistency and others that were just chaotic and full of over-tiredness. To start off I have just read the 'Solves all your Problems' book and I think my baby is a Touchy/Spirited one. These past 5 months have never been easy at all, especially with sleep issues. And just like tired and misinformed parents that we were (plus a very sensitive baby who would just sleep in our arms from day 1 at home, wake up as soon as she was settled down in the pram, and wake up even if the floorboard creaked slightly) we ended up with instances of accidental parenting to help us get through. Toss that in with several issues regarding breastfeeding and everything was a mess. One thing that was constant was the fact that her last feed was always a bottle of formula whereby we got a longer stretch of sleep, anywhere between 4 to 6 hours). Also, we had to swaddle as baby kept waking herself up with her startle reflex.
Around 3.5 months we noticed a HUGE regression when it came to sleep, not even going 3 hours in the initial stretch of night. She was also starting to get out of the swaddle. Swaddle was removed at this time since we were already not getting any sleep! Also bedtime was moving gradually earlier from 8:45/9 to 8/7:30 and wake up time earlier (as early as 5am). Now she will start getting fussy 6:30/7 and she wakes up at 6am. However, in between, there are numerous night wakings!!
So to try and make thing simpler, I will try to list how it used to be to now:
6:30am - Wake time
8: Nap (40m-1hr)
9am - Bottle (4-5oz)
10:30am - Nap (anywhere from 45min-3hrs)
12/1pm - Bottle of Expressed Milk (4-5oz)
1:30/2:30 - Nap (30min-1hr)
4/4:30pm - Bottle (4-5oz)
5:30/6 - Nap (30min-45)
6:30/7 - Bath + Routine
8/8:30 - Bedtime
1-3am - Bottle (6oz.)
All of the above are just averages as no one day was the same, except for bottles give or take 30 mins. Also, sleep times varied from getting 3hrs to 5hrs of daytime sleep, mostly after becoming overtired, then fighting bedtime. She could only stay awake not longer than 1.25hrs and even that was late). On bad nights I woke up 10-15 times to replug dummy or quiet her down from excessive babbling, squealing and thrashing around. Sometimes, I had to resort to the rocker in the living room as it was easier to rock her in it than in my arms (my bad!).
Now we're trying to take control and instill a routine again:
6/6:15 - Wake up
6:30 - Bottle (5-6oz.) - working towards this as at the moment she is having the bottle at 7:15 due to late last bottle
8-10 - Nap (2hrs) - extending this when she wakes up before by telling her time to sleep and replugging dummy) - had to wake
10:30 - Bottle of Expressed Milk + at times Formula (5oz + 1oz at times. still at around 10:45-11:15)
12-2 - Nap (2hrs) - extending this when she wakes up before by telling her time to sleep and replugging dummy) - had to wake. was fussy
2:30 - Bottle (today seemed to only be able to go 3.5 hrs with 5oz + 1oz.) - stayed fussy and became overtired immediately
by 3:15 was very fussy and had to start wind down
still took till 3:55 - Nap (had to shush pat and give dummy multiple times to calm down. multiple wakings)
so now today I'm left with (5hrs of daytime sleep) and 2 hours to go till bedtime (trying at 7pm) which will surely be horrible since she could barely stay awake after her 2nd 2 hour nap)
6:00/6:15 - bath
6:30/6:45 - trying for a bottle (5-6oz.)
Bedtime routine + bedtime - 7
I don't know if I should wake for last bottle or see whether she wakes up around 11/12 by herself.
We are also trying to figure out a way to reduce her night wakings as it is just ludicrous. Most times I can just give her the dummy and she will resettle for the initial part of the night. Worst part is 3:30/4am onwards. I think it must be when we would have done the most accidental parenting, plus her sleep drive is so bad at that time (it's bad during the day when any noise can wake her). Last night I did shush pat and pu/pd for an hour, then she slept from 5 to 6. Was considering wake to sleep. I really feel that apart from the parenting no-no's, the dummy is really a massive problem but baby really doesn't know how to sleep without it (thanks to some very pushy midwives and paeds I caved as before she barely used a dummy - but that was another issue of suckling).
Now I know this is such a long post, and to be truthful, I can hardly see whether I have mentioned everything or if it's too much info. I also think I may have changed her routine too abruptly and confused her a bit. I am also trying to get her to have longer wake times, but it is easier before the morning and mid-morning nap, then I think everyting catches up and she's a wreck! Maybe going from 1.5 to 2hrs wake time in such a short period is asking too much of her but I have no idea how the day will progress if I can't stick to a 4hr routine.
I'm just wondering whether some kind-hearted soul can help me look at the issue with a fresh pair of eyes and maybe some advice!
Also, we have recently moved her from the crib to the big cot as it was getting too tight and she seemed to take to it well, but still wakes up multiple times.
PS: Hubby and I barely have any semblance of a life left. We have to go to bed at her bedtime due to 1. barely getting any sleep 2. she doesn't stay in the room alone (she sleeps in our room) 3. we cannot do anything anyway as any sound from the living area is audible (we live in a flat).