Hello All!
My DD is 6 wo and her naps practically don't exist...
We try to stick to 2.5-3hrs routine, but as you can guess, it's impossible. Here are some facts:
1) she usually falls asleep by herself- after about 45min-1hr A time I see that she's tired, darken the room, swaddle (woombie), turn on some soothing music, hold her for a second, put to her bed, give paci and in a few minutes she sleeps
2) she wakes up after 20 minutes-ALWAYS and usually it's impossible for me to put her back to sleep. I try shh/pat but everytime paci falls out of her mouth, she starts wriggling, crying etc. I give her paci back, she seems to go back to sleep, her paci falls out, she starts crying and it can take forever to repeat this process. She never sleeps then for more than 20 min. Finally, after about 1hr struggle I feed her
3) the only proper nap is when we go for a walk-in her pram, then she can sleep even for 2.5 hrs...
4) I'm exhausted and frustrated-I have no time to eat, to do anything at home, not to mention anytime for older DS...
Please, suggest-what I can do, I'm out of ideas about how to resettle her, I see that she is still tired, but simply unable to go back to sleep, any help appreciated...
Thank you All!