OK. In that case I would suggest capping one nap and keeping the other long. It is really your choice which to cap and which to keep long. You may prefer to cap the second nap as you are already doing this so just reduce by 15 mins and allow the first nap to be as long as she wants.
7 to 7.30 day is fine if this is something she has shown in the past she can do regularly as routine. You might find that some time during the journey towards dropping a nap she might need a slightly later BT, I probably wouldn't go later than 8pm though.
if she is going down for those two naps without a fight I would continue to start them at the same time but end the second nap 15 mins sooner, this will increase the A time to BT by that 15 mins also and should help to get her to sleep on time for BT rather than fussing or refusing at BT.
Hope this helps.