Author Topic: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now  (Read 4782 times)

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Re: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2017, 18:13:42 pm »
If you have a muslin square it is less distracting than a teddy, although people choose all sorts for a lovey. If he does attach though, be warned, you need at least 2 if not half a dozen of the item due to wash and general wear and tear...and in the unfortunate event of a lost lovey which is heart breaking!
You can begin to encourage attachment by wearing it inside your clothes for a day or night to get your scent on, then hold it every time you hold him, place it between you or in his hands each E time, when playing, when cuddling, singing, during wind down etc etc so that it is always there (just like you are), don't just keep it for nap times it can be with you/him all day long and if he gets hurt (8 months, sitting, falling over, bum,ping head a lot??) then grab it so it is there when you comfort him for the bumps.  it takes time.

Good luck for tonight.

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Re: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2017, 12:21:16 pm »
Just an update:
Nights are still hard - he wakes up about 5 times, 2 of which I BF. What is more - a tooth is coming out so he is more fussy, cries more and looks for breast more often and stays there longer. I try not to ruin the good EASY routine he has now but last night  I BF him 3 times (10 pm, 1 am, 4 am). I believe that soon he will sleep better in nights, maybe it's just a big change for him sleeping in his cot.

I liked the idea for a muslin square as a lovey, so soon I'll introduce one to him as I see that he's constantly looking for my hands. My voice is still not enough for him to calm down. But during day naps is easier - so I'll start avoiding touching him then and just talking. After that maybe nights will also become easier.

Thanks for the support!

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Re: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now
« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2017, 14:01:30 pm »
What is more - a tooth is coming out so he is more fussy, cries more and looks for breast more often and stays there longer. I try not to ruin the good EASY routine he has now but last night  I BF him 3 times (10 pm, 1 am, 4 am).
I really think this is to be expected when LOs are teething.  If it's really bad you can try some pain meds in the night, I used to save a dose of ibuprofen or paracetamol to give in the night when mine was disturbed a lot with teething pain.  I'm sure the nights will improve when the teething settles down. It might be a case of waiting this out a bit and then looking again at the routine and NW/NFs at a time when you are sure he is not in pain.

With the hand holding you can even introduce the muslin between your hand and his as a gentle encouragement to take on the muslin.

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Re: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2017, 11:19:57 am »
Hello :)
Just stop by to say thank you! Creations you really helped me so much, thanks for all advices, support and time you spent reading my problems and giving me solutions  :)

Day naps are great - I caress and talk to him just 5-10 min and he's settled and then asleep. During his sleep I am not in the room anymore and he doesn't need help to make transition to other cycle of sleep. 2 naps altogether are approximately 2-2.5 hours.

Unfortunately, teething continues and nights are really bad but I am sure that after that everything will be ok. Now he wakes 5-6 times per night, most of which I BF him as it's the only way to soothe him. Otherwise he cries and screams so much. 2 teeth are out but 2 more are also about to come out so maybe next month will be better fo us :)

Now when I implement EASY, it's really easy during the days. He already knows when it's time to eat, sleep, etc. so I think he feels better now as everything is more predictable for him.

Thanks again!

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Re: Please help - 8 months baby no routine till now
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2017, 18:44:37 pm »
That's wonderful news  :D :D :D

Thank you for taking the time to come back with such a lovely update - it's always good to hear good news and success stories.
If you like you can also post here which I'm sure gives people hope when they are going through the really tricky times:

Teething - well there's no getting away from it - but it does pass... eventually  :)