I'm on the 3 hour EASY and at 8 weeks old she is still waking every 3 hrs for a feed at night.
7pm feed then bedtime, 10pm, 1am, 4am then 7am wake up for the day
she normally feeds really well for 30-45mins during the day but only manages 5-10min at night feeds because she falls asleep and is difficult to awaken
I burp her/ change her nappy to try to wake her up to feed more but it doesn't work
I've tried to give her a pacifier/ pat-shush during night awakenings but she cries as if she's hungry and goes ferociously at the breast, then falls asleep within 5-10 mins
When will she last longer between night feeds? Maybe she's not ready yet but I'm really keen for her to last at least 4 hours as I'm going back to full time work soon!