Could someone please help with our little boy day nap and early wakeup problem?
He often sleeps through the night with occasionally wake up @3/330 and wake up at 5/530
Our day is like this. He is bottlefeed compeletly, total of around 20oz/day
Wake up -5:30
Milk - 6am
Breakfast - 7am
Nap1 - 8am (sleeps for 1hr, sometimes 30')
Milk - 11
Lunch 11:30
Nap2 - 12 (depending on 1st nap, we try to keep his A time to 3hrs, sleeps for 1hr15)
Milk - 2pm
Snack – 3/3.30
Catnap – 4pm for around 30’
Milk – 6pm
Bedtime - 6:30 (usually asleep within 10-15 mins)
He often sleeps through the night, sometimes wakeup at 3/330ish; if so he’ll go back to sleep after 20/30'
We try to keep his day Awake time a total of 9 hours, sometimes 3-3-3 sometimes 2-3-4
Much appreciated for your help