My DD is 15w old now and the last couple of days I have observed a change in the routine, especially regarding CN and Night Wakings.
She used to being put to bed ~6.30-7pm ; no DF; NF around 3 am. She usually woke btw 6.30-7.30am to start the day.
The last few days, however, she woke to feed around midnight/1am then again around 4am/5am and she woke at 5:30am or 6am to start the day (with the 5:30 wake up she just babbled and went down for a short nap on her own so we finally started the day at 6:30am). Beside this, she refused to Catnap the last two days (or CN happened after 2hr A falling asleep on boob finally)
Our routine was the following yesterday:
NF: midnight+ 4am
EW:6am - took a short nap so real WU was 6:45am
A: 1h40m
S: 1h30m
A: 1h30m
S: 40m (I guess the 1h40m is the appropriate A time for her, so should have kept her awake for another 10 mins to avoid UT nap, but it is kind of difficult to predict if she Will take 5 or 15mins to fall asleep)
A: 2h10m - she refused to catnap after being put into cot at 1h20m A and was crying, fussing until 2h10m A where she fell asleep on boob finally.
S: 50m (I had to wake her to start Evening routine)
A: 50m (bath time including E)
S: 5.5h as she woke at 1:20am, and then 4:50am
WU: 6am
On feeding: she is BF, I try to keep the 3hr feeding routine, but when the next feed would fall into sleeping time I feed her in case the previous one was more than 2h15m ago.
Any idea what I should change so we can go back to one NF and a 7am start for the day plus solve the CN issue?