It's completely normal for babies to need help getting to sleep and definitely to need a few night feeds at this age. Pupd can be quite stimulating for young babies. Have you tried shush pat?
Babies this age aren't able to bring themselves down from a state of upset to a soothed state, no. Their brains just aren't developed enough yet. They need a caregiver to help calm them and make they feel safe. If he's falling alseep in the cot already he's doing fab. Babies can definitely learn to go in the cot happy and fall asleep but it takes time and adult help. If a baby is left alone upset, like with the cry it out methods BW is opposed to, they will eventually stop crying and sleep but it is very stressful for baby. Stress hormones aren't good for brain development, or anyone really! They just learn no one is coming and stop crying as a survival instinct.