I am having trouble feeding with the bottle. I have tried different nipples so far and everything is too fast and he has milk all over him. It's too frustrating because, I am trying to take it off his mouth and checking the nipple and the cap.
I have so far tried, munchkin tri-flow, avent #2, Nuk (slow flow), Gerber with no luck. Anyone has this problem.
Is there something wrong with the nipple or am I doing something wrong? When I tried dripping the water from the nipple, it looks like it's slow. But when I put it in ds's mouth, the milk spills all over. I feel like it's flowing too much and he finishes off 3 oz in 5-10 minutes. I tilt the bottle 30-40 degrees while feeding.
He had latching problem initially so I am pumping and feeding him.
Thank you