Hi kc
Firstly stop panicking straight away. You do not have to have the injection on the appointment day and if you feel you are not yet fully equipped with the full info then just don't go for the appointment (this is what I did until we saw our consultant at the hospital). DO NOT feel pressured into making any decisions you feel uncomfortable with.
It is correct that there is egg used in culturing the MMR however our consultant confirmed that it is very rare for anyone to have a reaction. What he also said however was that as a precautionary measure, if a child did have an egg allergy they would do the inoculation at the hospital rather than the surgery.
If you want to pm me feel free to or if you want any more support just ask.
Thank you for the replys, I'm sorry I haven't got back to let you know how we got on but I haven't had access to a computer for a while.
Anyway, I got hold of Sarah's GP & doctor at the hospital.
The hospital said that Sarah should have no problems getting her MMR at the local clinic. But that if her GP had any problems to call them back.
The GP said that he had never given anyone with an egg allergy the MMR at his clinic, he always refers them to Immunology (sp?) at the childrens hospital. Although there is a 99% chance that she will be ok, he said if she did take a reaction they would be able to deal with it but that she would still have to go to the hospital anyway. So he thought it was better to refer her but this could take up to 1 year! :shock: The only good thing is that she gets her RAST test repeated in February & should this show that her allergy has left her, he will give her the MMR as soon as I notify him.
I contacted the hospital again to let them know & the secretary of Sarahs doctor was wonderful. She said I should make sure that Sarah is seen by her doctor instead of whoever happens to lift her chart on the day. I should let him know the situation & ask him to issue a letter to me & Sarahs GP letting them know the results as soon as they are known. Then we could sort this out quicker & at least the appointment has already been made with the hospital.
So, I feel much better about the situation, sorry for panicking, my post probably sounded more desperate than I actually was at the time :?
I want to thank you too for this site, it truly is a great comfort & a wonderful source of information. Well done