Neither of my boys are making any kind of stride to adjust to the recent time change. Weird, because I never remember it being and issue with Nate before.
Since Sunday, both boys have been up at 5am or 5:15am FOR THE DAY! Ian, today, went back to sleep after an hour of babbling and fussing, but only for an hour.
We have resumed a normal nap and bed schedule - Ian at 7pm, Nate at 8. Ian naps 2x a day (although due to the early wake ups we often get a 3rd, 20 minute cat nap to get to bedtime.) Nate naps 1x.
Probably not related, but Ian now has also resumed a nightwaking at about 2am. Before, we only had a habitual 4am. Stupid me, I fed him and now we have THAT back too!!!
What should I try? Do I need to mess with the nap and bed times even though they are where I want them to be? 5am is just too dang early. I would love 7am, but at this point, I'll take 6!!!!