Thanks for all suggestions.
They worked!!!!
I also started giving him lighter suppers and having a 3 hour awake time before bed instead of 3.5 and stopped the walking before bedtime and it worked like a charm.
Thanks so much!!
Now I'll just wait for the next problem. But meanwhile I feel better.
However he still does not want his milk before bedtime and does wake up at 3 am to drink it. So last night I just didn't want to get up at 3 am again so I dreamfed him at 9 pm and he woke up until 6ish. Which is great. Still has poo but at least sleeps after 6 am.
So the ped suggested to switch how I feed him in the evenings to see if he stops waking up hungry.
So here's our routine:
6ish wake
6:30-7:00 6 oz bottle
7:30-8:00 solids, about 5-6 big frozen cubes (all kind of fruits)
8:45-9:00 sleep (1.5 hours)
11:00-11:30 6 oz bottle
12:00-12:30 solids, about 5-6 big frozen cubes (here I give him stuff like broccoli, chicken, beans, cauliflower, etc. pretty much anything plus finger snacks like cottage cheese and raisins)
1:45-2:00 sleep (1-1.5 hours)
4:00 6 oz bottle
5:00 solids , 5-6 cubes (lighter meals like pears, apples, zucchini, squash, etc. with some rice cereal)
6:00-6:30 sleep no bottle.
So the ped recommends to skip the 4 pm bottle and give him his dinner like at 4:30 pm, maybe even pushing his lunch a little later too.
Then give him his bottle before bedtime so he can fill up.
However I'm afraid he won't finish the 6 oz, cause he's tired and just wants to go to bed. Sometimes when I try to give him a bottle before bedtime he only drinks 2-3 oz.
So I am afraid he'll do this and drink less milk per day. He's only getting 18 oz a day plus a night feed which usually does happen then he drinks 5 oz.
Anyway don't want to bore you.
Thanks again for your help.