My LO is 12 weeks old and takes 45 minute naps, which leads to a short EASY schedule - about 2 to 2.5 hours. I have tried to extend them like it discusses in the Naps Forum, but he doesn't seem to really want more sleep. He's happy and sociable when he's awake, so it seems he gets enough sleep with his 45 min naps.
I have been trying to draw out the time between braest feedings by giving him some activity time before he eats. So, my EASY is actually EASA. But I can't get much time between nap and feeding, because he is used to eating directly after his nap. Is there something else I can do? Or do I have t wait for him to grow out of it? I have also tried extending his awake time after the feeding, but he gets pretty cranky and it's hard to settle him down for a nap.
He's a good eater an usually sleeps through the night. I think he just went through his 3 month growth spurt, bc he was waking up to eat at 3, which he didn't do last night.
Here is my schedule (give or take):
7-7:30 eat
7:30-8 activity
8-8:15 wind down
8:-9 nap
9-9:15 - activity
9:15-9:45 eat
This continues for the rest of the day until 7ish. I BF him at 7 and 8:30, ad at 8:45 he goes to bed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!