I am a silly mommy, I thought that my little angel baby William would sleep all night and that I wouldn't find myself here having a sleep problem.. silly mommy!
At the moment William is waking up 2 or three times throughout the night,he starts by moaning, which escalates to shouting, which escalates to gasping and crying and banging his legs if we don't go to him.. to put his dummy in for him. Then he immediately settles. Ha ha I can hear you all saying lol.. the dummy is the problem - I think it is at the moment - along with other issues like milestones.
I've been trying to think around his waking and to try to plan what to do about it - if indeed I can do something lol.. and I would like your support in that if I may. I would really appreciate your ideas as to why he may be waking up in the first place, and also how I can try to help him to be able to drop back off again without this escalation of noise which ends up with me or DH having to get up.
Here is all of the info you may need...
How old is your child? William is almost 9 months old - see my ticker!
Will's routine - incuding naps and feeding is as follows;
6am - bottle (8oz) , nappy change, back into bed until...
8am - gets up, nappy change and gets dressed, goes downstairs to play until...
10am - porridge / cereal (made with 8oz milk), then plays until,
11am - Naps until...
12.30pm - gets up, nappy change, goes downstairs to play until,
1.30pm - lunch, veggies savoury meal and drink of water (he used to have a bottle here until about 3 weeks ago but he dropped it himself as he repeatedly refused it - both before solids or after it , then plays or goes out for a walk etc until,
3.30pm - Naps until
5pm - up, nappy change, goes downstairs to play etc
5.30pm - tea, veggies/savoury meal followed by fruit / other sort of pudding then watches a bit of TV to let his food go down, until
6pm - plays with "quiet" toys, read books, go round the house in little car...
6.30pm - Daddy comes home so has cuddles and chats with daddy..
6.45pm - Bath time (3 nights a week)
7pm - gets ready for bed in his room and then has a bottle of 8oz and gets tucked into his cot (uses a growbag) and goes down for the night at about 7.15ish.
I know all that isn't really EASY - but its certainly been a schedule that has worked for wonderfully for us and MIL who cares for him in the day so far. He also has 2 snacks at convenient times which is usually a piece of toast with cheese spread on or some peeled grapes or cheerios or carrot sticks.
How many wakes per night? He wakes 2 or 3 times per night - usually at about 1am and again at 3.15 am and if a third wake up is going to happen its usually at about 5am... sometimes he doesnt wake here but wakes at 6am for his bottle.
What’s your LO like when waking at night? How long is he/she up? - When he wakes as I described earlier he starts off moaning, there is some mantra crying going on but then this escalates to shouting, leg banging and then gasping and eventually crying if we leave him. I do not get him out of his cot as this winds him up and we have full blown crying, but all I have to do is pop his dummy back in, put his teddy near to his cheek (its a safe ted!) and he goes immediately back off.
What do you do for A time and how long is it? You can see his A time in the schedule. At the moment we do all sorts of things - he plays sitting on the floor with his toys - things like peek a blocks, stacking cups, activity toys (diff textures) etc as he is learning to sit more stably at the moment and to manipulate toys more successfully. We also do rolling and tummy time, he has an exersaucer which he only had recently so is now getting more physical - all over type exercise than he was, he has a little car which he sits in and travels around the house, he enjoys reading books in our lap, he goes out in his pushchair to the shops, to the nearby lake to feed the ducks etc...
Are there developmental issues such as teething or milestones? Absolutely! He has been teething since 8 weeks but we still havent got any teeth. If he has teething pain we use powders and if necessary calpol. I am sure he is not waking due to teething pain however as I can recognise when this is the problem and it doesnt seem to be when he night wakes.
In terms of milestones - he has been rolling for a month, he has started to show frustration that he can't crawl so is trying hard, and he has started recently to try to copy our vocal sounds and now says ma ma ma and ba ba ba to us and tries hard to "say" other things rather than babble.
Do they have a prop? If so what is it? OOOooh yes - his beloved dummy. Will was a very sucky tiny baby so I used a dummy. We have been able to just use it when he goes down in his cot now as he seems to want it to help him settle. He does not wake when the dummy falls out but if he can't find it when he wakes up he seems to need it to help him settle again - this is not always the case though - sometimes he can self soothe and settle himself.
Do they have a lovie? Yes he has his beloved teddy bear Theodore who lives in his cot and who he grabs with glee when he goes into the cot and snuggles it close to his face. Its a very soft squishy Ty Baby's First Bear. He can usually find Theodore and squish him when he needs him.
Well thats about all I can think of and I have rambled on for ages.. any comments you might want to make or advice you can give woud be truly welcomed as it will hep me to think around whats happening and try to help DH and I get a full night's sleep more often!
H xxx