Author Topic: other people's opinions of EASY  (Read 3275 times)

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Re: other people's opinions of EASY
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2006, 01:12:18 am »
I find that most people are supportive. And they do tend to say You're so lucky, etc.I find too, that people ask how you do it.and then when you tell them they are like oh wow..but are not always interested in doing it for themselves.Too much work maybe? Anyways, just glad I found EASY--changed my life and my baby's too!
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Re: other people's opinions of EASY
« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2006, 10:46:26 am »
My parents and my husband's parents always comment on how good our son is, just like all of you  :) I keep it to myself that most of it is probably because of the respect we show him by really istening to his needs since he was born and giving him chances to practice his independence at sleeping and playing. At Christmas time, we were staying at my in-laws. The great grand mother was there too. When they saw it took only a few minutes for our son to fall asleep at his naps, no rocking, walking, etc... because he had learned to sleep on his own (he was 4 months old), they made a positive comment everytime we came back from the room. The great grand mother could not believe it. "Oh little angel" she said everytime  :) They did find it a bit weird that he took "so many naps" during the day and that we insisted that it was always in a crib and that my husband made clear that our son was not to be held every single minute and that he actually enjoyed independent play. But they saw that our son was happy, so they were too.

My sister is starting to think about having a baby. She quizzes me about our "method" from time to time over the phone, she is very interested, I will certainly buy her the book when she gets pregnant! ;) It was one of the best buy I made for sure.

Maman d'Adrien, born September 2, 2005
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Re: other people's opinions of EASY
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2006, 15:42:54 pm »
Just wanted to say that I am soooooooooo pleased to read that other people get the same comments as we do regarding our routine!  We have just had my sisters in law stay with us for the past few days.  One of them has 2 lo's under 7.  I came downstairs this morning (I expressed and my dh did the feed this morning so that I could have a lie in) at 8.30am to find that my lo had only napped 45 mins and was being jiggled about and 'kept entertained' by his aunties.  I said 'he should have been put back to sleep after 45 mins as he isn't due a feed for an hour and a half'.  Thomas' aunties said 'well there's 4 of us we can keep him entertained for an hour and a half'.  Not wanting to argue I just sat down and counted the minutes until Thomas started to get fussy and tired and kicking his legs and over-stimulated.  At 9.10am Thomas was passed back to mummy to deal with.  With no hope in hello of getting him back off to sleep before his next feed.  The Aunties kept saying 'just feed him now to get him off to sleep'.  My blood boiling (not at my poor gorgeous boy of course!) I gave lo to daddy to try and put back to bed.  At 9.40am he was screaming so much that daddy passed lo back to mummy to calm down on the breast.  He didn't have a proper feed.  He fed up when I tried to put him back down and it took me until 11.10am to get him off to sleep.  Nightmare.  And I know that my in-laws have left today convinced that it wasn't anything to do with them. 
I also got daggers last night during his bedtime routine when they were taking lots of flash photos of him and I asked them to stop and that he needed to wind down.  One of them even said 'he's 3 months old now - he shouldn't be sleeping so much during the day'.  Not happy.  I do love them so much.  But I would never criticise the way they look after their baby.  Surely I know what's best for him? 
i also have friends with babies the same age as Thomas who tell me that a routine is too rigid and that when their baby wants to sleep he/she will just sort of crash.  Well that's fine for them but not for me.
Even my sister-in-law who could not get her lo to sleep through the night and get off to sleep without rocking is critical of my routine and says that I am lucky with Thomas as he is such a good baby.  It's not luck.  We have spent time and energy developing him and training him to sleep independently, and he is happy when he is awake because he isn't overtired!
Had to get that off my chest!
Feel much better now! ;D

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Re: other people's opinions of EASY
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2006, 15:59:09 pm »
AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!  ME TOO~!  ME TOO!!  I get a hard time from my mom about EASY or pu/pd because she thinks I'm torturing dd!!!  But then, she also comments on how well behaved she is and my sis sy's Drina is so CHILL!!  I am constantly explaining EASY.  Well, it's alright because I know deep in my heart that I'm doing what's best for dd.  Sigh...I've whined about this more than once around here.
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