Hello. My Lo is on 4 hour easy - we just started some cereal in the mornings. I have wanted to drop his 3 am feeding for a while as it messes with his 7am feed - though I don't know why b/c it's been 4 hours - but anyhow. I started last night, at 3am he woke - when he cried, I went in, turned him on his side to pat, and he went off to sleep within a minute. Then he woke at 5, 515, 545, 605, 630, 645 and we got up then. He usually doesn't do this early am waking. I just want to make sure I shouldn't do this another way.
I think he doesn't need that 3am feeding b/c he did fall asleep - rather quickly - with brief intervention. I would think if he needed it due to hunger he wouldn't have fallen asleep. But I can't figure why he woke so early and so many times - unable to soothe himself back to sleep. He is sleeping fine all other times, napping great 2-3 hours in the AM and 1-1.5 hours in the pm with 30 min catnap before bed. Goes to bed at 630-7pm, has a DF at 1030.
Also, should I do wake to sleep for this?
Thanks for reading!