Hi there!
I wanted to chime in about reflux! Have you read this link yet?
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=67791.msg520003#msg520003My personal opinion is that you take him back and re-evaluated. Tell them what your sleep times are like. Perhaps a better med is in order as this pepcid seems to not be so effective? My son is on Zantac which, at the proper dose for weight works very well. Elevating the mattress is a great idea but it has to be pretty high. Have you seen a Tucker Sling?
http://www.tuckersling.com/index.htm - they work very well to make LO comfy at sleep times.
Also peak at this link:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?topic=65742.0 - helpful sleep hints for flux babies.
I agree with Stacy about the bouncing, best to take that out. Most often sleep issues won't be fixed until you can get LO's pain managed. Reflux is extremely painful - it feel kind of like when we get bad heartburn, but its very frequent and the acid actually can cause damage to the lining of the esophagus. So, perhaps start with the pedi again, especially if you have dealt with the let down issues.
Here is the link to the reflux board:
https://babywhispererforums.com/index.php?board=13.0 - there are alot of great informative posts there, awesome mods and other mom's going thru this too.
I hope this helps some. Good Luck, and don't be afraid to be a squeaky wheel with your baby's doctor - be a good advocate for him.