Author Topic: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?  (Read 2545 times)

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Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2006, 23:44:34 pm »
here's a good one.  but i might change the bedtime and make it earlier because in this one, LO would be up 2.5 hours and that may be too long.  you could move bedtime up to 6:45 or so.

I did not find Baby Whisperer until dd was 2 months old so it took a while to get onto an EASY routine.  This was my ideal schedule at 2-3 months when it worked out.
E 7:00am bf
S 8:15

E 9:30 bf
S 10:45

E 12:00bf
S 1:15

E 2:30bf
S 3:00

E 5:00bf
E 7:00bf
S 7:30 bed

E 12:30ish bf
E 3:00ish bf
E 5:30ish bf

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2006, 23:50:09 pm »
here's another.  the A time isn't always the same.  it looks like this mom follows her LO's sleep cues which is great.  i've noticed with my LO and from reading about other LOs, they are more tired in the morning so go to nap about 15 minutes earlier than usual.  then can stay up the average time for afternoon. 

My lo is 8wo this is his routine-

E 700
S 800 - 945

E 1000
S 1130 - 100

E 100
S 200 - 330

E 400
S 515 - 600

Bath PJs 600
E 615/630 then sleep

DreamFeed 1030
NightFeed 3/330


what do you think about working with one of these two routines?

Offline jacksmomns

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2006, 13:44:12 pm »
hi again, thanks for responding-i look forwrd to advice.  Ds is 91/2 weeks now. last night he woke twice, and jumbled around for 15 min or so each time, noises escalating.  I then fed him each time, held him until eyes just closed then put him down.  Not really sure if hungry both times, but he did take all of bottle-usually does anyhow.  Haven't had paci in a week, and not sure to reintroduce it at night to get back to sleep.  Tried w2s yesterday at a nap and he proceeded to wake up-then p/s for remainder of time but he never went back to sleep-this went on all day.  is it ok to sleep past usual 7am start, and then begin easy? He woke at different times, so then slept past 7, (till 9)so did i for rest. is this ok or should i start the day at 7 regardless? easy sometimes seems hard to do and i get so discouraged about sleep issues. pat/shush never seems to work for wake ups.  help! is w2s done differently at night?  I'm scared to dreamfeed in case he won't go back-i'd have to stay up later in order to give it. aahh   please write back--hilary

Offline OliviaM

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2006, 23:42:11 pm »
Hi Melissa
I have a question re the last routine that you've posted. Where in that routine would you fit 2nd cluster feed? 8:30 may be? But then should i keep lo awake till that time or should i put him to sleep at 6:30 and then wake him for the 2nd cluster feed? Usually he is tired and ready for bed by 7pm. I always get confused about what happens between cluster feeds.

Also, if lo wakes up early & my first feed is at 6:30am rather than 7am, can you suggest the afternoon/evening routine WITH cluster feeds?

Many thanks

Offline jacksmomns

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2006, 12:02:04 pm »
melissa or olivia-- probably an EASY question-but lo keeps waking now around 5am-wont go back to sleep and if i intervene seems to make it worse-so i feed him.  this messes up the 7 am routine for the day.  so do i count it and start at 5am?  bedtime is 7-730 at night.  w2s for night wakings is an hour beforehand right?  He was up btw 12-1am to eat too-do you think a df at 1030 would make a difference-scared it'll become a habit.  what do i do? trying to stick to 7am and 3hr easy-but hard when he wakes early--how does that work?  please write back  thanks  Hilary

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2006, 14:36:42 pm »
hey guys.  i am so sorry this has taken forever to post.  i'm in the middle of moving so it's a mess.  i should have told you that before this weekend.

olivia - i'd put LO to bed at 6:30 and then you're right to do the cluster feed at 8:30 and DF at 10:30.  if your LO's bedtime is 7 then cluster feed at 9 and DF at 11.  do the cluster feed two hours after bedtime and then DF two hours after that.  then when no more cluster feeds, DF either 3 or 4 hours after bedtime.  i usually DF about 3.5 hours after bedtime so when LO wakes at the sleep cycle 4 hours after bed, LO won't be hungry.  if LO is hungry, then LO will wake up.

if LO wakes at 6:30 then just move all of the times up 30 minutes.  for example,
E: 6:30
A: 6:45 - 7:45
S: 7:45 - 9:30

hiliary:  i'd wake LO as close to 7 as possible.  if nights are bed, i'll let LO sleep in a bit but if you keep doing it and let the day start several hours later than usual then the routine gets really wacky.  sleep training is the hardest IMO when LO is under 3 or 4 months.  LO is trying just to get accustomed to being in the world and sometimes the littlest thing can throw them off.  don't get too discouraged.  You are doing a really great job and it will show up sooner or later. 
could the patting be irritating to LO?  Mine really didn't like it.  so i shushed and rubbed her back or bottom or legs.  is LO swaddled? 
w2s at night is one hour before they usually wake. 
if LO wakes at 5 to eat, just give half of what he usually eats (assuming he's bottle fed. if nursing, try to only do one side) so that he's still hungry when the day starts two hours later.  but don't consider 5 the wake time, it's just a night feeding.  I'd do the DF now and get LO used to it.  i know some LOs just don't like it but try it for your LO for a week or so.  he'll still probably eat at least twice during the night.  mine was on formula by 9.5 weeks and still eating twice a day plus the DF. 
DF is something that has to be weaned but by 7 or 8 months, LO will be eating a lot more during the day and having solids so don't worry about that now. 

what is LO's routine again?  if he's waking at night, maybe he's sleeping too  much during the day.  but it may just be another one of those phases.  my Lo has decided that the past few nights between 3 and 4 are the best play times. 


Offline jacksmomns

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2006, 15:00:35 pm »
thanks again!

Offline Missy Lou

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Re: Can "Schh-pat" become a prob?
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2006, 13:57:31 pm »
how are things going guys?