My son is 4.5 months old and I believe he is over-tired bc he is a short napper, is still on a 3hour easy, often wakes twice within 2 hours of going down at night, and he has become more fussy recently. He never seemed to be a fussy baby before, but now, he almost always cries when he wakes up from a nap for atleast 7minutes- and yesterday he was acting tired withing 30 minutes of waking from his nap.
(other details: He still wakes every 3 hours to bf at night, he hasn't accepted ebm in a bottle or a paci and he has no lovey)
I tried moving to a longer easy cycle, but at 1.5 hours, he is usually crying and rubbing his eyes from being tired. and at 3 hours, he is screaming to be fed.
This is the routine I aim for:
bath and bedtime routine starts at 645, usually asleep by 730
eats a little bit at 7pm.
Most days we're a little off, because of handling errands etc.
Should my focus be to do my best at extending his naps? either with w2s or going in at before he wakes and try to help him transition into another cycle?
or is there another way i can tweak our routine?
thanks for any help or advice anyone can offer!