Author Topic: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28  (Read 17713 times)

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Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« on: February 05, 2017, 15:33:45 pm »
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Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition #27

Offline marjorie_kate

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2017, 21:31:14 pm »
My DD (almost 16 mo) has transitioned to one nap/day over the last month or so.  She was wanting a long nap at 1030 for 2 hours and then ready for another one at 430 which just wasn't working for anyone in our household due to dinner time and then bedtime.  This has unfortunately coincided with teething and a cold.  My question is how long it takes for a baby this age to really get into a routine?  She's been going down between 1200-1215, sometimes wakes after an hour but will go back to sleep if I leave her for 10 min or so.  Most days she sleeps a solid two hours and then we shoot for a 700pm bedtime.  The thing is she's waking up at 6am now when she always slept until 630-700 before this transition.  Also, how long should I let her nap?  Today she's at 2.5 hours... is there a length of time I should cap the nap?  Thanks for any suggestions, particularly if my mornings are just going to be early from now on, or if there's anything I should tweak. 

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2017, 18:07:56 pm »
Just looking for some guidance on when to try and transition from 2-1 nap.
Our 13.5 month old has two naps a day and doesn't fight them at all but really fights bedtime with typically a 20-40 minute of crying/ resetting required.
Her typical sleep is below

WU between 6-6.45am

Nap 1 9.30-10.15 (no resistance and just goes to sleep herself in Oct
Nap 2 1.30-2.30-3pm and sometimes have to wake

Start bathtime 615 ish and typically bottle and into cot around 6.50-7pm
Then usually have a good 20 mins of crying. Her recent trick is to keep sitting up and trying to pull herself up.
I have to get DD1 into bed as well who is usually exhausted and needs to be in bed for 7pm
DD2 can often just be moaning crying softly or chatting and usually going into her makes her escalate and if we pU/pd then that results in hysteria so I am not sure what to do. She usually does go to sleep herself in cot but it seems to take ages. A later bedtime doesn't really help either.

Any thoughts appreciated

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2017, 06:33:11 am »
Ahhhhh. This transition is killing us. Any advice on what to do for LO who refuses afternoon naps regardless of length of morning nap, but gets too OT doing one nap?

7.15am wake
12pm-1pm - couldn't resettle
5.30pm BT - Took hr to go to sleep and woke 1-2hrly until 5.30am

Day before
6.45am wake
11am sleep
1pm wake
5.30 BT - woke 2hrly the whole night

I cant get a 2nd nap in even AP feeding, rocking, driving...

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Offline ZanesOTmom

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2018, 01:07:12 am »
Anyone wanna resurrect this thread for rants/support?

LO is almost 11mos and we’ve been going through 2-1 for almost 2 months now... pretty much 5h first AT but still needs a CN (sometimes capped at 10min) cos he can only do 4h max before BT :-/

Offline MamaBergs

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2018, 21:20:49 pm »
Hello wise ones! I have a almost 13 month old who was mostly fighting her afternoon naps so ive been transitioning her to 1 nap. She mostly sleeps 7pm- 7am. We are on day 9 of the transition and have her going down now at 12noon. I know its meant to be a bit rocky but she seems to be waking after 1hr or 1hr 30m. I can sometimes resettle but not always. She just quietly occupies herself in her cot but obviously id prefer her to sleep longer. Basically after some reassurance, after such a success on day 1 im feeling a bit unsure how far to push it. What ive done so far... previously napped 10am -11.30pm & 3-4pm.

Day1- nap 10.15am- 12.40pm (2hr 25m)
Day2- nap 10.45am - 12.15 (1hr 30m)
Day3- nap 10.45am- 1pm (2hr 15m)
Day4- nap 11.15am - 12.45pm (1hr 30m)
Day5- nap 11am - 12.20pm (1hr 20m)
Day6- nap 11am - 1pm?? (2hr??)
Day7- nap 11.30am- 12.40pm (1hr)
Day8- nap 12noon -1.40pm (1hr 40m)
Day9- nap 12noon - 1.20pm(1hr 20m)

She eats breakfast at 8.30am & a snack 1hr 30mins before nap time (started on day 4).

Any guidance? So far putting her down later hasnt effected her mood so happy to keep stretching it out. Also what would the ideal afternoon naptime be? She has always been very by the book as she doesnt display tired signs.

Thank you!!
Mama to two under 1.5

Offline ZanesOTmom

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2018, 01:07:43 am »
Hi MamaBerg, that’s awesome night sleep!!! I’m jealous.

Not sure if any mods check this thread tbh. You might get more help if you start a thread on the toddler board.

I am however curious. How was your LOs mood after taking 1.20h naps? They’re typically (although not always) UT naps. I was wondering if you can extend some more, if you feel theyre UT. Your LO is taking this so much better than mine. I did mine very slowly, but I was surprised I could push him more than 6h AT at 11 months. I know they’re tired signs aren’t very reliable but mine became so when he turned one as long as it’s within the AT window. In terms of CN, I would cap it 10-20mins (usually 15/20mins to give me 2-2.5h before BT), depending on how far BT is (day length ~12.5-13.5). Eventually, as the first AT got longer and his naps were consistently 2h or more, there was no time for CN and we’d bite the bullet for EBT which is now his norm.

I hope that helps... hang in there, Mama!

Offline MamaBergs

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2018, 01:50:25 am »
Thank you so much for replying!! When she wakes from a nap shes always very happy. I havent givent her any CNs yet and keep her BT the same. Tough love much? I'll keep stretching out her naptime and hope to hit a sweet spot. Im just unsure how late to keep pushing it before it starts to effect BT at 7pm? any ideas? I know the book says ideal they have lunch at 12noon, a play and then a long nap but would like a rough goal time. THank you!!

How was your LOs mood after taking 1.20h naps? They’re typically (although not always) UT naps. I was wondering if you can extend some more, if you feel theyre UT.
Mama to two under 1.5

Offline ZanesOTmom

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2018, 09:25:58 am »
You know I’m not sure. But like they say here, if it ain’t broken... :) I personally have had to push BT a bit since my LO has been getting a ton of sleep compared to 2 (or 3 naps) and been needing more A til BT.

Offline Ssa

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Re: Anyone want to talk about the 2-1 transition? #28
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2018, 08:15:59 am »
Hello - I'm re-posting this over here cos I think it might be a 2:1 transition question, I'm just not entirely sure.

We've been doing fairly well at nights and for his morning nap. After some cuddling and holding - he seems to go down fairly quickly. It's his afternoon nap I'm really struggling with - where we are getting lots of fussing and crying - even when we carry him to sleep - and I can't quite figure out how to manage it. For reference, his waketimes are at about 3h30mins now. Rough schedule is as follows:

- 7am Wake up and milk feed
-8am breakfast
- 1030am Nap 1 (usually 1.5 - 2hours)
-12/12.30pm Milk feed
-1pm lunch
- 3.30pm - 4.30pm Nap 2 (THIS IS REALLY NOT HAPPENING)
-4.30pm milk feed
-5.30pm dinner
-6.30pm milk feed
-7pm bedtime

The morning nap seems fairly consistent at the moment, and I just go 3.5 hours from the time he wakes up to the afternoon nap. For the afternoon nap, he often takes a long time to go down, if he goes down at all (which he hasn't been doing for the last 3-4 days),  and then will often do a nap of 30 mins or less, which suggests he is overtired. I try and not let him sleep after 4.30pm so I can keep bedtime to 7pm. If he misses the 2nd nap - I push bedtime up to around 630pm. He's been sleeping around 11-12 hours at night. The routine for naps and bedtime is fairly similar. He's always struggled with his afternoon nap (he hated the 3rd nap when he was on a 3 nap routine) but I know it is way too early to transition him to 1 nap because of his waketimes. When he skips his second nap, or when it's too short - he does have some night wakes and early morning wake ups though they have been fairly brief.

Is the fussing because he's near a transition? How do I manage this afternoon nap? I have occasionally been getting his nanny to take him down in a stroller at that time as a last resort and sometimes he'll nap and sometimes he won't, but it will be 30-40 mins at the most.

Would appreciate any thoughts or advice you have on - the schedule at the moment and any adjustments he might need;and how to check if I should be transitioning him?

I have tried shorter waketimes and they do not work - just lead to lots of crying.
