Aw big hugs xxx
So sorry that there has been a delay answering your post xxxx
It sounds to me like your LO is having some separation anxiety and when you are not entertaining her or with her she becomes anxious. There is lots and lots of info about SA on the site which you can find using the search funtion if you fancy reading up on it.
One thing you can do in the meantime is start to play peek a boo with her round door posts or behind cushions so that she gains object permanence.. she knows that you are still near even when she can't see you.. and knows that you will come back, so she might start to allow you to wander off for a second, or take your direct attention from her without becoming so anxious.
If she is good in her exersaucer do you take that into the room where you do your chores? I used to have Woo's where ever I was and chatted to him as I folded laundry, washed dishes, tidied round etc...
Hope others can share some wisdom for you xxx
H xxx