Author Topic: no peanuts before 12 months?  (Read 2674 times)

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no peanuts before 12 months?
« on: January 17, 2008, 16:48:00 pm »
my 10 mo just had his check up and the doc said he can basically eat most things we eat, with exceptions. so i gave him peanut butter on toast yesterday and he loved it. when i told my mom that i had given him peanut butter she had a fit! should i not have given him peanut butter before 12 months? he seems fine...

Offline Jimbob

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2008, 21:01:40 pm »
It is generally advised not to give peanuts or foods containing peanuts until at least the age of 1 in UK. If there is any history of food allergies then they advise you wait until at least 3 years old. It is the same for any nut aswell. If your ds has not reacted to it then I would not worry. I would just make sure you keep a close eye on him next time you give it though as it is not always the first time given that a lo reacts.

I am sure all will be well.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2008, 01:16:04 am »
Just wanted to add what we did (as there are nut allergies on my DH's side) was test small patches before feeding any nuts or any foods that we wanted to be safe with. We first rubbed the nut or food on ds's cheek one day, and checked to make sure there was no reactions to it. then we rubbed the food on the dry side of his lip and again checked for reactions, then the following day on the inside of his lip, then finally we gave a very small amount on a baby spoon. Our Dr. recommended us this test as we didn't want to wait until he was 3, thankfully he is not  :)
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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2008, 02:45:09 am »
Also it can be a choking hazard, so we spread it out pretty thin.

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2008, 02:57:40 am »
I have asthma, but no food allergies.  I was told no nuts of any kind for Her Mouseness until she is 5.  (still don't understand that!)  Anywho, she gets soybutter and loves the stuff.    ;)
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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2008, 03:52:52 am »
I have asthma, but no food allergies.  I was told no nuts of any kind for Her Mouseness until she is 5.  (still don't understand that!)  Anywho, she gets soybutter and loves the stuff.    ;)

Weird... I have asthma too and my doctor said OK for PB at 1.5 years. No history of allergies for us either. He didn't seem worried at all. 5 seems a little long... especially when you take into concideration that waiting to long can also increase risks of allergies.

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2008, 07:19:54 am »
I have heard age 5 recommended before. Asthma, eczema, hayfever and food/enviromental allergies are all closely related so even though you have no history of allergies this is probably why he has advised you to wait.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2008, 16:19:19 pm »
makes sence.. but why are some people told to wait and others not. Its all a bunch of hype in my own opinion.. I can understand waiting when there is a very real risk of allergy (like family history) but 5 years?? whats the point in having it at all then. I mean then the risk is just as high, if not higher because there has been no exposure at all. That too has been proved as a very real link. I mean look at how many more children have an allergy to nutsnot then 0 years ago, and how much worse. There has to be something to this.

In my own humble opinion, use your own judgment. If your OK giving it then give it. Trust yourself. I mean yeah be careful. test when you can, be there when they try it.

We did it early also because DD goes to daycare and to others houses, and my mom and MIL LOVE PB and I wanted to know now and on my terms. If mom and MIL have to stop eating PB (which DD has been exposed to since birth btw) then I need to know now. No allergy and she LOVES PB too. Great source of protine :)

In the end no matter how long you wait or how early you give. Don't let other people judge you or make you feel bad or guilty. Fear is not a good way to raise our children, and they sence that fear in us. That never leads to anything good.

If your DD had PB and was fine with it then great. :)


P.S. I hope no one is offended by what I have to say.  :-[ I do feel strongly, but I really am not trying to be rude or anything of the sort, I'm just a mom who is tired of everything being suck a big deal. Not to mention a contest  ::)  who knew motherhood has so many hidden stresses..

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2008, 18:33:28 pm »
Certainly no offence taken here. My son has had severe eczema and food allergies from being a young baby and also tests positive to peanuts and treenuts which is why we have chosen not to introduce them. If James had not tested positive to them I would consider giving them to my son now. If there was no history of food allergies then I would give peanut butter and other nut containing products at 12 months. However if people choose to give it before 12 months I don't think it would increase the chances of an allergic reaction. In fact there is now a study that recommends that pregnant women and mothers that breast feed should eat small amounts of these products as it may decrease the chances of a peanut/nut allergy.


James has atopic eczema, multiple food allergies, asthma and late talker

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2008, 18:42:27 pm »
I am also of the opinion to use your own judgment.  We gave almond and peanut butter at 9 months old as there are no allergies of any foods in our family.

The one thing that I did want to point out that the concern with doctors is not just with allergy potential but also peanut butter can be a choking hazard.  If LO's do not have troubles with their swallow reflex and the peanut butter is very creamy and thick like most commercial ones are, they could choke/suffocate on it.  It is best to use thin peanut butter.  We only use all natural peanut butter.  It is just pulverized peanuts and you can get it in any health food sections or bulk food places.  The nice thing about that is the health benefits are there and you know your child is only having "peanuts."  No extra sugar, salt, chemicals, preservatives and dyes. It is naturally thin and oily so better to slide down the throat. I just don't think that extra salt or sugar is needed in something so naturally delicious.


Aisling x
« Last Edit: January 18, 2008, 20:39:31 pm by aisling »

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2008, 20:16:17 pm »
Aisling - we use only all natural peanut butter as well  :)
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Offline chesterella

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2008, 14:39:30 pm »
me, too just natural pb. i don't understand why some people og for the baby food that has sugar or salt added. it's not like a baby knows the difference anyways.

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Re: no peanuts before 12 months?
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2008, 15:36:03 pm »
actually most baby foods (other then the mixed meal ones) have no salt or suger added. The sodium in them is natural. There is nothing added to conventional baby foods. Not even preservatives. They are not allowed by law. They last as long as they do because they are Air sealed. Same with canned foods. 95% of canned foods have 0 preservatives in them. Thats why the foods go bad so fast after the seal is broken.

Preservatives have their place like in pickles, jams, and stuff, but if you notice they last for a long time after being opened when stored in the fridge.

Its when you get to the mixed meals and toddler meals that they sometimes add sodium, and to be honest I add salt to pretty much everything myself. Not crazy amounts or anything, but whats needed for cooking. IE, salt in potato water or pasta water to draw out startch (worse for the body then salt.) Some salt is needed in the diet as it is. Its natural for the body to need salt, and its the only food source we have with iodine which the body also needs.

Its about balence.

We bought DD's baby foods when she started solids and will do the same with #2. Its just easier, faster, and really no more costly then making it. I have a TINY kitchen with no room, and would actually rather spend that time with my kids then cooking. Now of course she eats whatever we do, but I have to say our food bill sure jumped when we started solids with our food rather then jarred food LOL. We stalk up when it goes on sale for 10 jars for $4 so we always have enough.