Hey Becky,
Okay, we've noticed that he's able to be on the 4 hour EASY when he is up for an A time of about 2 hours 15 minutes- what's up with that? We've seen this a few times. We've been strictly following the A times suggested for his age which is about 1 hr. 45-50 min., but he's taking short naps (70-90 min). Today, my hubby had him up for over 2 hours and he fared much better, so should we give this A time a shot tomorrow and see what happens. His EASY looked like this today:
awake at 6:20 (left him in his crib to talk to himself until 7:15)
E 7:20 5 oz.
S 8:40-10:40
E 11:10 5 oz.
S 1-3:00
E 3:05- 4 1/2 oz.
S 4:20- 5 (in the car to pick up Gavin and I)
E 6:30 20 min. bf
S 6:50
This weekend, I took Gavin to my parents' cottage and Jesse was with Dad. It just struck me that the same thing happened with Jesse the last time he was with Dad- he was kept up longer and slept longer, too. Do I try the longer A time and risk him getting OT or just emulate today and keep him up longer? One more thing- I noticed that the days that this has happened, his nf had been earlier than normal, at 3 am or so...