hi ladies
isn't it amazing that it's like someone is watching exactly what is happening to us..
Calebsmum, you're sooo not alone!!
i'm sitting here, with ds (6wo) - he's currently having his 8.30-9pm feed.... at 8pm. As he decided that his cot was not for him. Again. He's pretty much been awake since noon.. well no, that's not quite right. i got him up at around 11.30ish am, and we had b'fast. 1.00pm, we started to wind down, as he was acting very tired. 1.40 he was asleep. or so i thought.
luckily, i have my mum staying with us from OS, so i am very lucky to have an extra set of hands. mind you, she has her's full with our DD (4yo, who's still getting used to "sharing" mummy around).
Anyway,back to today: 1.40pm, DS pretending to be asleep.
DS & i take opportunity to escape, and get out to get needed household supplies.
5 mins after leaving, DS puts his plan into action, setting out to wreck Nana's head.
Starts with the wriggles, grunting, followed by a Houdini impression - and ending, as always, with crying.
Nana (under strict instruction to use Shush-Pat, and only Soother as last resort), moves in.
DS has her caught in his snare now....
Eyes spring open once he's picked up. No going back to sleep now. After about 5mins of crying, he does start to quieten down, and even pretends to be sleepy again on the compfy shoulder he's resting against.
But don't even think about putting him back down in that cot. it just wont happen, and is like a merry-go-round routine.
By the time myself & DD have returned (3 hours later), Nana & DS have just finished the 3.30pm feed; after being awake (a few dozes on the shoulder) pretty much the whole time.
I take over, and he continues to play his game of "i'm not resting in any bed" - until he starts rooting around for more food at 5.30pm.
I watch my own dinner go cold, as i feed him. We now have three pairs of hands on-deck, as DH is home.
At 7.00pm, DH has gotten the LO settled as much as possible, and off to bed they go. (But I know, they'll be back!)
7.30pm, half-time substitution with DH, i'm upstairs doing the Shush-Pat.
With a bit of Soother intervention, we get about 20mins of "sleep" out of him.
8.00pm, i'm sitting here happily reading all the above posts when DH & DS walk into the room. "He's hungry"
Hopeing to get to about 8.30pm-9pm before the next feed - i'm slightly reluctant; but what can you do, if they're hungry; feed'em.
So, i started writing this post with DS on my lap - pretending to eat.
I've been here for nearly an hour now - typing with one hand, as the other tries to balance the bottle. He's finally finished, a couple of little burps, and up over my shoulder (he's pretending to sleep now).
9.27pm. i've just taken LO upstairs. Frantically typing before he wakes up. Hopefully he won't - and past experience, he'll be asleep now until his dreamfeed at about 11.30pm.
Like yourself, Calebsmummy, night-times are pretty good. it's the day that are VERY hard.
My mum keeps telling me that i'm very patient. I suppose i am. I know that he'll get through this. As long as we all can too - that's the key isn't it!?
My DS is also a VERY VERY VERY winding baby. We've got him on Goats milk formula - for his little tum. I've not interveened with any meds at this stage (DH is very reluctant to go there). He was VERY small at birth - 4lbs10oz; but only a week early (i was induced because of his weight).
He's feeding like mad - which DH puts down to trying to catch up to all his same-age counterparts. He takes about 150mls per feed.
At the moment, my biggest concern is the wind, grunting, groaning, burps & farts. He wriggles & grunts/groans so much in his sleep that he wakes us up (himself, DH & I, all in the same room).
I'm very determined to try & stick to the EASY/Shush-Pat route. Having had our DD keep us pacing the floor for hours when she was little - i'm REALLY NOT wanting to go there again.
I found Mushi's post very good. I'm definitely going to test out the Under-tired/Over-tired theory. Perhaps we are guilty of the UT in our house...
Calebsmummy; try & stick with some part of the plan. It will definitely help you all! Keep trying to get out & about for your own sanity too. Even if he's awake, at least being in the "normal world" surrounded by other humans will make you feel better. Hopefully you'll know that we're all out there too - so don't be embarressed or worried about having a crying baby with you; we all understand!!
And when all else fails - just look in that cot and check out that gorgeous little bundle that you bought into the world.
Isn't he brilliant!?