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How do I shift it all an hour?
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:42:46 am »
Ds is on a routine that works for him and goes to sleep quite easily but he goes to bed at 6pm and wakes at 5am. It was fine when he was younger, it gave us time to spend with dd after 6pm but now that he is older (almost 6 months) we want to spend more time with him and the early wake is killing me.

Here is what a typical day looks like-

5am- wake and bf
5-6:30- plays and sings in his bed, if dh is up early for work he will take him downstairs to play.
6:30-8 nap
8:00 bf followed by activity time
10-10:45 nap
11:00 bf followed by activity time
12:30-1:15 nap
2:00 bf followed by activity time
3:00-3:30 catnap in stroller as we go pick up dd from JK (cannot be avoided or altered)
4:00 bf (a cluster feed)
5:45 bf (a cluster feed)
6:00 sleep, goes down awake, does not fuss, usually asleep within 10 minutes.

He goes from 6pm-5am without a wake on some nights, on other nights he will wake 1-2 extra times and I feed him whenever he wakes because he has bad reflux so I don't know what stays in his tummy. His naps are all short except the first one, but his days are very consistent and he is an exceptionally happy baby even with the short naps and never acts or looks tired, rarely wakes up crying. If I try to put him down past 6pm he acts too tired, his eyes look tired and he rubs his nose and eyes like crazy and is hard to settle.

I need to delay his 5am wake but I understand he is waking because of his early bedtime. How do I adjust? Keep in mind that his 3-3:30 catnap cannot be adjusted due to picking up my dd from JK.

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 10:28:02 am »
here's a link for moving wake up and bedtime forward that may help

i realise you have concerns over the catnap but looking at your routine, if you were able to extend the second and third naps to a more restorative nap length (1.5+hrs) you could actually do away with the catnap altogether. he is napping for 45mins for these two naps which typically indicates UT, so you may wish to try and extra 10/15mins A time before both of these naps and see if that helps lengthen them. once you have the routine sorted with longer naps you could then use the technique in the link above to shift his whole day forward.

HTH :-*

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2010, 02:50:17 am »
Wow, I never even considered him being UT, he usually falls asleep so easily for the most part!

If I extend his nap (with W2S) then I will need to start the naps later too, yes? This morning I tried it, I put him down for his nap 15 minutes later, at 11am, and he was fine for the 15 minutes but when I put him down he was instantly OT, rubbing his eyes like crazy, fell asleep, but had the shortest nap and actually woke up crying (which he rarely does). In the afternoon, he fell asleep for 10 minutes, woke from a very loud sound (I dropped something downstairs ::)) and didn't fall asleep again until 6pm. Surprisingly he was went down without a fuss at 6 and is still sleeping well at almost 10pm. What a mess of a day today was!
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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 08:31:14 am »
yes W2S plus extra A time could be needed, sometimes just the extra A time is enuf on its own. but def need extra A time for W2S to work.

what temperment is he? my LO is touchy and we had to make any A time changes in 5 min increments or he just got super OT. once he showed tired signs i would extend with something low key like a walk up and down the hall looking at pictures, walk in the garden, look at a story, cuddle with a toy, sing a song, etc for just 5 mins, then straight into his room for wind down routine. could be worth a try if he got so OT on the 15mins today.

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 13:39:29 pm »
I'll try today though it will be hard as it's Saturday and both dd and dh are home.

His temperment is fantastic, the perfect baby to experiment routines on ;D, he has reflux yet he does nothing all day but laugh and smile after he throws up. This is why it's hard for me to adjust his routine, he is such a happy baby with his routine now, it's just for me- I can't handle the early morning wakes.
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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2010, 01:54:18 am »
hey FTM,
 how's it going? Any luck with the extension?

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2010, 02:05:44 am »
Hi Sarah! Yes, thanks for asking! I figured I needed to extend his nap in the morning and get a later catnap in so I took him out in the stroller to get the morning nap later AND longer. Sure enough he woke up 45 min into it but because we were walking out in the stroller (how boring for ds) he fell back asleep again. So, with the stroller I was able to shift all his naps in one day and then shift his bedtime to 7pm. I know a stroller can be a prop but I wasn't worried about it as he sleeps well in his bed and usually only takes the catnap in the stroller while we pick up dd from school. It took about 2 days to shift his bedtime but it worked. As a result, he automatically wakes later now in the morning as 6am.

Any tips on getting him AND my 4 yr old dd to sleep in until 8am :P? I would LOVE to be able to sleep in until 8am ;D. Or, is that a dumb question, sort of like asking "how do I get lo to self-potty train?"

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2010, 02:09:14 am »

..that would be so delicious, hey? To sleep in until 8am? I consider 7am a sleep in now :(
Well he was in bed by 7pm? to get a waking in the morning of 8am he would need to sleep by 8pm (if he's doing 12 hours) or in between 8 and 9pm....does that sound like something you'd be interested in doing?

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Re: How do I shift it all an hour?
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2010, 02:30:16 am »
Yes, but reality is I don't think it would work, he'd need an additional catnap or something. Besides, for now the 7pm is great as it gives us time where dd has us all to herself until her bedtime which is 8:30. I shouldn't complain, dh will sometimes take him downstairs after I feed him so that I can nap until 7 (when dd gets up). I can say I look forward to the night he fully sleeps through again (I think the 6 mth gs has hit)!
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