DD is 6 months old. During winddown she was good for a long time before naps, I mean no crying. She always sleeps on her own, settles well before naps not as good as night sleep though. Always a little fuss. But last week she started to refuse 3rd nap and I stopped pushing it after a few days, could not succeed to get one. And now she gets tired earlier, at 2 hours or so but I put her to sleep later, we get 2,5 hours A time at most and last 2 days she started to cry as soon as I start our winddown routine. Is it normal that she cries, will it get better again? Does this mean our winddown routine is not good enough or does our EASY need a change? Here it is below.
06.10 wake (this is sometimes 6.20, 6.50, 6.30 changes)
E 07.00 BF
08.20 fruit puree
S 08.40 - 10.40
E 11.00 BF+30CC
S 13.00 - 14.45
E 15.00 BF
17.00 fruit puree
E18.30 (normally at 19.00 yesterday I decided to put her in bed early she was too tired)
19.10 in bed
19.20 asleep
22.30 DF 160cc bottle
04.30 NW BF, sleeps right after
06.20 wake
E 07.00 BF (was not hungry enough , NWs needs to be sorted out, this month hopefully)
S 08.40 - 10.30
E 11.00 BF
I will appreciate any comments.