Some advise please as I am not sure how to tackle this. Apologies up front for the long post.
DS is 17 wo and at 14.5 weeks we did pu/pd to get rid of his paci addiction. That was when he learnt independent sleep, and that was also when nap extensions stopped working with shush/pat. I put him in his cot wide awake, place my hand on his chest/give a few pats, say some reassuring words and then leave. He will fall asleep within 5 minutes (I have a video monitor), sometimes doing some mantra crying. If it escalates I go in and place my hand on his chest/give a few pats, say some reassuring words and then leave again. I am very proud of him, and myself for this huge achievement! Its been one very long and rough road to this point.
For a period of about 2 weeks he did one 1.5 hour nap per day, and his other 2 naps were between 45mins-1hr. I was jumping for joy - finally he was getting decent naps, and able to transition himself! I was tweaking A times and it was working. But now sadly the 3 nap day (what luxury) is back to being a 5 nap day again. For the last week I just can't seem to get a long nap from him. I am in a cycle of OT/UT. What I don't understand is that he doesn't seem capable of making it through his already shortened A times, but always wakes up from his naps smiling so regardless of what I do I cannot extend. I've even been there to transition him through but once his eyes open he is awake.
We are getting NW too. Also his 4 hr EASY is getting a bit messy b/c he doesn't eat much when his E is due and gets hungry 1 or 2 hrs later.
Here is our EASY for the last 3 days:
27 April
A 6:22 woke up but was dozing so left him until he called me at 6:49
E 7:49 105ml EBF (tried feeding earlier but refused to eat)
A 1h58, in cot @ 8:14
S 8:20-8:48
A 50min, in cot @ 9:22. He was fussing and grizzly
S 9:38-10:37 tried extending for 20 mins
E 11:00 135ml EBF
A 1h22, into cot 11:56. Rubbing eyes and jerky movements
S 11:59-12:49
E 15:10 90ml EBF
A 3h, out in buggy running errands, but he would not sleep
S 15:49-16:25 in cot as soon as we got home
A 37min, He was fussing and grizzly so put him to bed, cried hard so fed
E 16:40 90ml EBF, hungry cry so had to feed him
S 17:02-17:14
A 1h06, bath, massage, bedtime routine
E 17:20 50ml EBF top up before bed
S 18:20
E 20:45 90ml woke but couldn't settle, hungry cry. Usually would last to DF
A 21:49 10min NW
28 April
A 00:32 30 min NW offered bottle only took 10ml
E 02:13 110ml EBF
E 04:37 50ml EBF I wouldn't usually feed but he was wide awake babbling
A 05:53 woke up, did not want feed
A 1h56, into cot 7:40, was fussing and grizzly
S 07:49-8:20
A 1h06, into cot 9:19 as he was fussing lots
S 09:26-10:06
E 10:30 150ml EBF
A 1h45, 15-20 mins in bedroom singing songs, in bed @ 10:41 (1h35)
S 11:51-12:27
A 1h02, into cot 12:53 as he was fussing lots
S 13:29-14:20 ~11 pu/pd 26 mins total to settle
E 14:40 125ml EBF
A 2h, in cot @ 15:22
S 16:20-16:30
A 4h04 (did not count prev 10 mins), bath, massage, bedtime routine
E 17:50 155ml EBF before bed
S 18:24
A 20:52 6 min NW
E 22:49 110ml EBF
29 April
A 01:10 10min NW
E 02:21 100ml EBF
A 04:38 10min NW
A 05:18 woke up
E 06:02 100ml EBF
A 2h18, in cot @ 7:30
S 07:36-08:08
A 1h11, into cot 9:08 grizzling. Screaming tryng to suck duvet to sleep. Patted chest until asleep
S 09:19-09:53
E 10:10 95ml EBF
A 1h33, into cot 11:20
S 11:26-12:03
E 12:35 40ml EBF Hunger cry, fed to tie him over until next feed.
A 1h05, into cot 12:50 as he was fussing a lot
S 13:08-
He is currently having his 4th nap so far *groan*.
Does anything jump out at you? I can't figure this out at all and feel so dejected after having worked so hard for months. Please help.
Thank you in anticipation.